What is Course
Hello! This is course a pairing board inspired by pair-up. At time I wrote course, pairup wasn’t open source, now it is. My motivation to build course was to have a paring board for a team and practicing swift on the server. After around 10 month I think it, I have a proper MVP so I can release it to the world. I’m happy about everyone, who think this is useful and I accept any kind of feedback in the form of PR or Issues.
The name “course” btw. is used in the seafaring and defines the path of the current day. I think with the driver and navigator pattern this is good relation to the topic of pairing.
Course is a 12 factor app, so with this, it will fit into cloud foundry and or heroku and lots more. But there is one important dependency, a postgresql db is needed.
AND you need vapor tools on the mac
$brew install vapor
Try it out?
Before you deploy it by your own, you wann try it out. No problem, I have deployed a demo version on heroku.
Fork or clone
$ git clone
cd course
$vapor run
Running default command: .build/debug/Run serve
Server starting on http://localhost:8080
On Heroku
$ heroku login
$ vapor heroku push
deployment init
you have already succesfully setuped a heroku account
first install the heroku cli tool from here then login to heroku with:
$ heroku login
then init the project with:
$ vapor heroku init
provide the custom buildpack
Create the following procfile in the root folder
$ echo "web: Run serve --env production --hostname --port $PORT" > Procfile
config errors
hint: if you don’t have a procfile, the app will not start. Watch out for the follwing line in the log file Procfile declares types -> (none)
Compile Swift Module 'Run' (1 sources)
Linking ./.build/x86_64-unknown-linux/release/Run
Procfile declares types -> (none)
-----> Launching...
Released v5 deployed to Heroku
here I find very a good explanation about routing groups
how to show a image as base64 string, this is a hack to store the image in the database. Alternative stor the image in a blobstore and render the cdn path to the image. But I would like to store the image in the db for now.
font type